
Help us spread this message

The logistics involved to interview people across the country, hike from Mexico to Canada and edit hundreds of hours of footage will be massive. Of course I love this work and we will make it happen, but any support you can give will make things easier. Whether that's by sharing this project with your friends, sharing your nature stories on our community page, or donating money, the support is greatly appreciated! 

For those unfamiliar with Patreon, it is a crowd sourcing platform that's modeled after the ancient patrons of Greek and Roman times. Back then, patrons would financially support artists so they could create works of art. In return, the patrons would sometimes receive works of art and they could brag about the good work they were supporting. Patreon works the same way, there are tiers of support you can select. In return you will be a part of this project, you can give feedback and suggestions and even receive exclusive content from us!

Share online

Social media and other electronic forms of communication are how people find out about things these days. For this project to be a success, the message needs to be disseminated among a large portion of the population. If you have an internet connection then you have the power to share information with large numbers of people, and that's extremely valuable. If you believe in this project please share it with as many people as you can. Even if you are not on social media, emailing a link to this website accomplishes the same thing. 
Copyright © 2024 Mind Body Soul | Signify Dark by WEN Themes

Believe in this idea? Please share it!
